Understanding Mobile Device Security

At LPL Financial, we understand that mobile devices have become standard for both business and personal use across industries. As mobile technology continues to rapidly evolve, it’s essential that mobile devices containing users’ sensitive information stay protected. Learn tips and tricks to protect personal data accessed through mobile technology.

Last Edited by: LPL Financial

woman outdoors on mobile phone with coffee

Mobile devices have become standard for both business and personal use, but many devices remain open to exploits due to rapidly evolving technology. All devices that contain sensitive information should stay protected.

Keep your mobile devices safe and protected by following these tips

  • Secure your device with a password that must be entered every time the device is restarted.
  • Require a password to access device, always lock your device when it’s not in use.
  • Only download apps from known, reputable sources.
  • Review app permissions requested from the app.
  • Limit sharing your information.
  • Erase all data on device prior to resale or destruction.

Protecting Your Information

As more of our interactions take place online, there are more opportunities than ever for users to access their accounts from multiple locations putting personally identifiable information at risk.

Keeping Your Password Safe

Your passwords are the “keys to your kingdom” and all of your information, regardless of what device you’re on. Learn the importance of strong passwords and password security.

Keeping Your Computer Safe

Learn the first steps to take if you suspect that your personally identifiable information (PII) has been compromised through credit access, and how to stay secure while traveling.