Facing challenges of digital marketing

When it comes to digital marketing, financial professionals often find it challenging to deploy strategies that reach their clients and prospects in an effective way. No matter what stage of digital marketing you’re in, you’ll need to learn more about what to do after you launch your website. We’ll walk you through the biggest digital marketing challenges most advisors face, and offer tips and best practices to help you navigate them.

New website marketing strategies

After you launch your own website, you may be thinking – what’s next? You might’ve paid handsomely for professional branding, photos, and lots of bells and whistles. But do you know which digital marketing strategies to implement to get it on the map? Do you have a plan for generating leads and referrals?

Creating a website is the foundational piece of building a solid digital marketing strategy. As the front door of your practice, it communicates within seconds what kind of practice you are, what your values are, and what you specialize in. This is the first part of Know, Like, and Trust – the three crucial ingredients to turn a prospect into a client.

Here’s a quick checklist of questions to ask yourself when reviewing your website:

  • Is your website professional looking? Your design should be modern yet simple, your copy should be welcoming, straight-forward, and easy to read, and your images should be professionally photographed.
  • Does your website reflect your brand? Your website should give both clients and prospects a look into what you’re all about. Include a section with information on your philosophy, your client base, and your approach. Also, add some personal information. Prospects not only want to know the professional they’re hiring, they want to know the person they are.
  • Can prospects easily contact you? A contact button on the home page – as well as one on all pages – is a must-have. Bonus: Turn someone searching for an advisor into a lead by adding a “Book a Free Call” button on your homepage and bio page.
  • How do you capture emails? Provide prospects a place to enter their email on your homepage. You should also check to see if you can have this connected to your CRM.
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SEO optimization is critical

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes it easy for someone to find your site when they search for you online – or if someone searches for a financial advisor in your geographical area, or area of expertise. SEO keywords are implemented into the coding and copy on your website. These keywords serve as guideposts when someone searches online. Your SEO strategy should improve your website’s likelihood of appearing in search results and lead traffic to your website. If you aren’t sure whether your site’s been optimized for search, we highly recommend you check with your web designer.

Pick one marketing strategy to start

When you begin your marketing efforts, it can feel overwhelming when you get started. You can feel pulled by trying to distinguish your brand, generate a social media following and create a content strategy for email. Consider starting by focusing on one area that’s meaningful enough to make a difference, but simple enough to get done. This will help you make a real impact with your business while still having the tasks seem realistic and not daunting.

One great way to get started is to schedule a free consultation with LPL Business Solutions. Here, we can discuss your business’s goals, what would work best for your practice and create actionable plans.

Want to learn more about how LPL Financial Business Solutions can help build your extraordinary business through digital marketing? Schedule a consultation with one of our digital marketing team members. Book now.