Service Superstars Recognized for Exceptional Advisor Support

Five LPL Financial service professionals were honored today at Focus for demonstrating extraordinary professionalism, compassion and expertise in the service experience they deliver to advisors. The Service Superstars were recognized as part of the morning’s general session programming, with approximately 3,600 advisors in attendance, and at a breakfast with advisors and executives.

Last Edited by: LPL Financial

Last Updated: July 30, 2018

LPL Service Superstar

“I could not be more proud and overwhelmed by the nominations from our advisors for these five talented individuals,” said Andy Kalbaugh, LPL managing director. “They are focused on building stronger relationships with every encounter and delivering more value to you - our advisors.  I thank them for their commitment to clients and for always putting the advisor first.”

This year’s Service Superstars include Anthony Cole, associate service consultant; Lonnie Jones, service resolution professional; Victoria Magahiz, associate service consultant; Julie Nelson, senior tech support representative; and Lisa Sorrentino, senior supervisory principal. The honorees were selected based on advisor input. Advisors submitted more than 500 nominations in the program’s inaugural year.

During the general session, Kalbaugh shared that the firm is placing an emphasis on improving the service culture to make it easier for advisors to do business with LPL.  The inaugural Service Superstars program was designed to support those efforts by showcasing work that raises the bar for the firm.

Tod Phillips, principal and executive vice president of America Group, nominated Anthony Cole. “Anthony is a critical partner in our client service model,” said Phillips. “Every time we ask for his help, he communicates with us in a timely manner and works until it’s resolved. We truly appreciate his support.”

The five Service Superstars were also honored at breakfast, where they were joined by some of the advisors who nominated them. The event was a special experience, Jones said. “It’s been awesome getting to put faces to the voices I hear over the phone and getting to shake the advisors’ hands,” he said. “This solidifies the empathy I already have for our advisors and what they do. They’re working really hard for their clients and it makes me want to work hard, too.”