LPL Earns Award for Encouraging Eco-Friendly Commuting Choices

Last Edited by: LPL Financial

Last Updated: December 11, 2017

Eco-Friendly Sustainable

“We’re grateful to be recognized for our efforts by SANDAG, and proud of our employees for exploring their transportation options and considering whether to carpool, bike, or take public transportation to work,” said Sara Nomellini, LPL senior vice president, Corporate Real Estate. “At LPL, we strive to champion a culture of sustainability and protect our natural resources.”

LPL has promoted eco-friendly commuting efforts since 2008, when summer gas prices hovered around $4 a gallon. In addition to creating carpool notifications for interested employees, LPL installed employee bike racks and electrical vehicle charging stations, created designated parking spaces for employees who commute on motorcycles, and encouraged employees to consider their public transport options.

Employees doing their part

“LPL makes biking to work simpler and more enjoyable,” said Michele Comarsh-Hein, LPL vice president. “People are surprised that I bike to work, but I really enjoy it.” Having a safe place for bike storage and a locker room to get ready for the day make the choice an easy one, she said, adding, “Quite often it’s faster to bike than drive.”  

Brian Holly, an analyst in LPL’s financial crimes compliance department, uses public transportation. “It saves me money, it’s safe and convenient, and it reduces my carbon footprint,” Holly said. “It’s incumbent on all of us to do our part, no matter how small we think our contribution is. The small efforts of many add up.”

“It makes me feel good knowing that LPL is a socially responsible company that wants to help employees make healthy and eco-friendly decisions,” Comarsh-Hein said. Holly agreed: “It’s encouraging to know that LPL is taking a leading role in environmental and sustainability efforts.”

Find out more about LPL’s culture of sustainability here.

LPL Financial and SANDAG are separate entities.