26 LPL Financial Advisors Named to Industry’s Top Women Advisors List

LPL Financial is proud to announce that 26 LPL advisors have been recognized among the 2017 Top Women Advisors by NAPA Net,the editorial arm of the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA).

Last Edited by: LPL Financial

Last Updated: December 27, 2017

26 LPL Financial Women Advisors Industry's top Women Advisors image

Advisors were honored by NAPA among three categories: All-Stars, top producers who have their own practice; Captains, who are All-Stars and also principals, owners or team captains of their organizations; and Rising Stars, who have  fewer than five years of experience with retirement plans as a financial advisor. According to NAPA, candidates were nominated and voted on by industry associates as well as evaluated by a NAPA panel of judges based on information about their practice, experience and accomplishments.

LPL advisors recognized on the list, listed alphabetically, include:


  • Pamela Brooks, Oswald Financial Inc., Cleveland
  • Nikki Hamblin, GRP Financial, San Rafael, Calif.
  • Karie O'Connor, HL&S Financial Services/First American Bank, Chicago
  • Molly Spowal, J.W. Terrill Retirement Services, St. Louis
  • Virginia Taylor, Taylor Financial Soultion, San Francisco
  • Jenna Witherbee, 401k Plan Professionals, Edina, Minn.


  • Kristi K. Baker, CSI Advisory Services, Indianapolis
  • Jessica Ballin, 401k Plan Professionals, Edina, Minn.
  • Mary Caballero, Impact Benefits & Retirement, Portland, Ore.
  • Shawna Christiansen, Retirement Benefits Group, San Diego
  • Dianne Clark, Global Retirement Partners LLC, Carlsbad, Calif.
  • Barbara Delaney, StoneStreet Advisor Group LLC, Pearl River, N.Y.
  • Janet Ganong, The Kieckhefer Group, Brookfield, Wis.
  • Lisa Garcia, FiduciaryFirst, Maitland, Fla.
  • Mary Addie George, Plan Sponsor Consultants, Atlanta
  • Jamie Hayes, FiduciaryFirst, Maitland, Fla.
  • Cynthia Hodges, Achieve Retirement, Denver
  • Kristina Keck, Woodruff Sawyer & Co./Global Retirement Partners, San Fransisco
  • Kathleen Kelly, Compass Financial Partners, Greensboro, N.C.
  • Ellen Lander, Renaissance Benefit Advisors Group, LLC, Pearly River, N.Y.
  • Janine Moore, Peak Financial Group, LLC, Houston
  • Arlene Palabe, Palabe Wealth Management, Gurnee, Ill.
  • Heidi Sidley, StoneStreet Equity, LLC, White Plains, N.Y.
  • Stephanie Stano, Western Wealth Benefits, Golden, Colo.
  • Lori Stevenson, Compass Financial Partners, Greensboro, N.C.

Rising Stars:

  • Lauren K. Loehning, Baystate Fiduciary Advisors, Boston

“On behalf of LPL, I congratulate these respected women for their commitment to their clients and the value they bring to the retirement plan industry,” said Bill Beardsley, LPL senior vice president, Retirement Partners. ”The work these advisors do to help Americans plan for a successful retirement is vital. We are proud to support each of these women advisors and we look forward to supporting their firms for years to come.”

LPL Financial is a leading provider to independent retirement plan advisors and a dedicated team, tools and services to support advisors serving retirement plans.

LPL Financial, the National Association of Plan Advisors and the advisor firms listed are separate entities.