Social Media for Financial Advisors | An Advisor’s Perspective

Last Edited by: Blake Spencer, The Pinnacle Financial Group

Last Updated: January 21, 2020

graphic-styled image of Caucasian man surrounded by social emojis

Our firm, The Pinnacle Financial Group, started focusing on our social media presence in the last year. Social media offers us an opportunity to reach out to an entirely different networking group. This outreach has put our firm in front of new people, at all stages of their financial journey.

Here are a few of our best practices from our social media experience that you may find valuable:

Choosing Our Social Network

Once we decided to use social media to grow our business, we felt it was important to select a network to focus on and commit to it. Ultimately, we chose a network that we were comfortable with and aligned with our style: Twitter. We believe Twitter is enough for us. If you have the support staff, and can post and monitor more than one social network consistently, then you may consider having multiple accounts.

Note from LPL Marketing: Not sure which sites are right for you? Read our previous post: Which Social Media Sites Should You Use?

Growing Our Audience

Next, we asked ourselves who we’d most like to interact with on social media. We looked for groups and individuals that we saw as potential new clients and got to know them and their interests. We also worked toward not just talking at our audience, but sharing information and engaging in a conversation.

Understanding that not all interactions will be positive, we make an effort to be respectful and not to ignore posts as even a negative comment can offer an opportunity to share information about our firm and the services we provide.

Posting Tips

Here are some best practices that we follow with our content selection:

  • One-third of our posts promote our business with the goal of converting audience members into clients and growing our practice.
  • One-third of our posts are for us to share the ideas of like-minded influencers. When we link to an article, we make sure to comment on it as well. This helps our followers get to know us and see the expertise we bring.
  • One-third of our posts are more personal in nature. People want to have a relationship with an advisor, and social media is just one way we cultivate that.

Setting Goals

It’s important to set realistic goals for social media engagement. A simple goal is committing to interacting on social media three times a day. This means commenting, sharing, and liking posts. You can schedule your content to post, but we recommend you do it on a regular and consistent basis.

We’ve also found that tracking our social media analytics helps us see what’s working and what’s not with our followers.

Using Social Media as a Listening Tool

We read news articles and posts from people in our industry, and search trending topics and hashtags to incorporate them into our own posts. This provides a way for us to offer our own insight and set the tone for our practice.

Continuous Growth

Finally, we continue to evolve and change as we get more comfortable with social media. We recognize that getting started is the most important part, and we can perfect the process as we go.


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The views and opinions expressed by the LPL Financial Advisor may not be representative of the views of other Financial Advisors and are not indicative of future performance or success.

Pinnacle Financial Group and LPL Financial are separate entities.

You should consult your compliance department for information about the rules and use of social media and the review of any and all advisor marketing materials.



Blake joined The Pinnacle Financial Group in January of 2018. As Managing Director of Business Development, Blake has partnered with the firm’s owner to further efforts for both client and advisor growth. His primary focus is marketing the firm’s brand for their 37 advisors to help boost client acquisition, client retention and advisor recruitment. In his prior 15 years of experience, Blake helped lead Sales and Marketing efforts for domestic and international sales teams within the commodities industry. Blake was born in Alabama and raised in Tennessee. He attended Middle Tennessee State University and later Villanova University’s Six Sigma Blackbelt program. He now lives in Garden City, NY with his wife and children where he enjoys painting and reading when he isn’t working.