Transition Your Advisor Business with Confidence

dark blue graphic representation 3 people, two shaking hands, one seated

A comprehensive guide to a seamless move.

Change can be challenging and fear of the unknown can hold many financial advisors back. But often, the decision to make a move is more difficult than the actual process. This white paper looks at alleviating advisor concerns around transitioning, preparing properly, and the transition process.

We take a look at:

  • Debunking the myths around transitions addressing common concerns financial advisors have around legal rights, client retention and business options.
  • Keys to transition success including preparation, mapping out your goals, and ensuring you’re aligned with the right partner.
  • The transition process with LPL Financial's transition roadmap helping advisors get trained and their clients’ assets moved within just 2 months of joining.

Your transition is just the beginning.

We are with you every step of the way. A transition with LPL could be one of the best business decisions you make for you and your clients. 

Download Transitioning Your Business: What You Need to Know to help you move forward, without looking back.


"If I could go back in time, I’d tell myself to go independent even sooner."

John Feste

Advisor with Marks Group